Out of Line

Crowd-sourced interactive music video

(oembed:https://vimeo.com/339970371 caption:Documentation video)

Out of Line is an interactive, crowd sourced music video made together with Studio Puckey ➝ for the track Dead End by the band zZz.

Out of Line involves hundreds of animated lines being drawn by visitors on top of the music video. All drawn lines are saved on our servers and are then rendered into the video to be seen by future visitors.

After signing up to Hey Lines, a fictive online agency for remote line drawers, you are sad to find your job will mainly involve the mindless filling in of graphs. Everything changes when Laura, your employer, goes home early for the day and takes you all with her.

The video is set in an environment that reflects the new kind of flexible contractor relationships introduced by platform businesses such as Uber and Fiverr, where employees are considered just another commodity to be bought and sold. The video was also very much inspired by the defaced bathroom stalls that are anonymous internet comments and the complexities that arise when interacting with online audiences.

Selected Coverage


  • Director
  • Technology
  • Music
  • Concept
    Studio Puckey
  • Executive Producer
    Jonas Kraft
  • Asst. Exec. Producer
    Effy van Troost
  • DOP
    Fernando Barrientos
  • Focus Puller
    Marjoke Haagsma
  • Gaffer
    Arthur Vis
  • Lighting Assistant
    Nino Oosterwijk
  • Make Up
  • Funding
  • Graphic Design and UX
    Studio Puckey
    Phillip Bührer
  • Featuring
    Tereza Rullerova
    Björn Ottenheim
    Daan Schinkel
  • Typeface
  • Icons